I used to take MARTA to class freshman year. Contrary to popular opinion I enjoyed taking the train into the city. I could catch up on reading, prepare my mind, listen to an album, listen to demos, sleep, you name it. It was a nice few minutes of rest where I could rely on someone else to take the wheel as I caught up with the little things in life. 

Often times these train rides would welcome stints of overthinking. What is my future? What I am doing with my life? What can I be doing better? What should I not do anymore. When will it be my time? What is success? 

Photo credit: Glen Kwon

Photo credit: Glen Kwon

When I was younger a lot of these responses would be more clear cut… black and white polar opposites that show the 2 extremes of life and death. In my mind, if I am not fully present in what my self-projection of success is, then all of it would be considered failure. If I wasn’t actively spending all my time creating toward what I wanted my future to be then all that time wasted was considered failure. I would punish myself for that often, and it would effect my mental. 

One of my pet peeves is when people from my past tell me that “I’ve changed”… Ofcourse I have.. I hated my past self and anyone with any ounce of wisdom would want to depart from their own self-destructive ways. Keeping it real for the sake of others opinions of you is detrimental to your journey of self love. 

Photo credit: Glen Kwon

Photo credit: Glen Kwon

Now that I’m older I find myself obsessing and fantasizing less. Letting certain things slide isn’t a sign of weakness, its a realization that imperfection is also a big part of the life journey. Preparation doesn’t always have to be a challenge. It could be as easy as calling up a friend and saying “hey… do you want to get together and make some beats?” Or “hey, lets go shoot… I think it’ll be fun” 

ODESU BEAT is my latest project. IASU and I started this journey knowing that we’ve always wanted to work together or something, we just didn’t know what. Every time we met it was a clean slate and we just went thru sounds, samples, guitar licks, drums patterns to catch a vibe. Every session was enjoyable and filled with love and mutual respect for each other. 

The sound stays true to our own particular roots in soul, funk, rock and jazz. Hip-Hop is the vehicle for delivery, and our reliance of computer generated music was the fuel. 

Album is set to release June 5th. More details to come. Thanks for checking in <3

Photo credit: Glen Kwon


how did you get here?


Nature is metal.